Senior Leadership Team
Our school has amazing leaders at all levels, who work both individually and collectively for the benefit of our students and their families.
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Staff List
On behalf of the Governors of Laurel Park School, I would like to welcome you to our new school. We are delighted to be opening...
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Laurel Park School is inspected by the government's inspection service Ofsted on a regular basis in line with national guidelines.
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Visit Us
Open Evening Wednesday 4th October 6-8pm
Open Mornings - Coffee with the headteacher and a tour of the school 9.15
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Welcome to Laurel Park School
Laurel Park School is a new school for Palmers Green and Southgate families for children aged 11-16 with the intention to open a post-16 provision from September 2024.
Our overall approach to our school can be encompassed in what we call the 4Cs: Curriculum, Character, Culture and Community.
Within this are embedded our core values of Integrity, Excellence, Ambition and Determination which underpin our day to day school life to ensure that every member of our community embraces opportunities, does their very best in all work and who are proud of their achievements and interactions at the end of every day.
This website will be fully launched in September at which point you can read more about the school.