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School Uniform

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“Smart on the outside, smart on the inside”

Laurel Park School requires students to wear school uniform. We believe that a school uniform provides a sense of belonging and identity whilst setting an appropriate tone for an education setting.


Details of our school uniform requirements can be found below.


In developing our school uniform we have carefully considered what is required practically for classroom lessons or for sport, safeguarding and health and safety considerations, and our obligations under the Equality Act 2010, and we have taken account of the wishes of parents and students.


We have also considered the cost implications for families and different groups of students and sought best value – we have minimised the number of branded items and avoided single supplier contracts so that parents have a choice of where they can shop, and we will avoid frequent uniform changes so that clothes can be passed on.


We also offer school second hand uniform to ensure that families have low cost options.  If you have any questions about our uniform, or are struggling through financial hardship, please contact us at  and we can support you.


Complaints about our school uniform should be dealt with under the school complaints policy which can be found below:


The only jewellery which is acceptable is a wrist watch (not smart watch).  Any other form of jewellery is not allowed. Laurel Park School does not allow facial piercings of any kind, including transparent piercing retainers. Students will be asked to remove any other piercings if they are visible.


No extreme hairstyle or unnatural dyed colours of hair will be permitted including dip-dyed hair colours. This includes tramlines, Mohican or skinhead-type styles.


Students arriving in school with an unacceptable hairstyle will be sent to the OLP until it can be rectified.


Male and female students with long hair must tie it back for PE, technology and science lessons.


Head scarves can be worn for religious reasons and should be plain and black or navy.


Hair accessories should be small and either navy blue, black or transparent.


Makeup should be discreet and not noticeable.  Nail varnish including false nails and false eyelashes are not permitted. Students arriving in school wearing extreme or heavy makeup, nail varnish, false eyelashes or false nails will be asked to remove it/them.

Lanyard year group colours

Lanyard colours by year group


Year 7 - Purple

Year 8 - Orange

Year 9 - Blue

Year 10 - Green

Year 11 - Red


The only compulsory uniform items with the Laurel Park logo are the jumper, tie, PE sweatshirt, PE polo shirt, PE tracksuit bottoms and the PE shorts. All remaining uniform items can be purchased from a wide range of retailers.


Our branded uniform can be purchased from Smiths Schoolwear:

Station Parade, 25 Cockfosters Road, Barnet, EN4 0DW

Tel: 020 3838 3622

Uniform Shop

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