Laurel Park Awards
We have very high expectations of all our students.
Students are expected to be highly motivated to learn and to exemplify the highest standards of personal conduct. In order to achieve these expectations, we employ an ethos of encouragement and praise for students doing things right, recognising best conduct.
Students who work hard and achieve well can expect to receive plenty of praise through our Recognition and Awards Programme.
Recognition is used immediately both in and outside of the classroom and is for above and beyond effort, quality work or demonstration of learning habits. Students can receive points on their Character Cards from any member of staff. Headteachers awards are issued half termly to a student from each form class.
Headteachers commendations are issued termly and anyone can nominate including parents, students and staff based on our 4 values.
Reward certificates, at rising points thresholds, are also given to students during Achievement Assemblies that are held termly.
We also have the Laurus Nobilis Awards where selected students receive the highest awards in a special ceremony.
Please refer to our summary of Recognition & Awards.