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Curriculum Overview

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Curriculum - Vision Statement

At Laurel Park School we are committed to all students having a quality education that is underpinned by an ambitious academic curriculum and is supported by a range of personal enrichment and super curricular opportunities, with our overall aim to develop well rounded young adults, ready to tackle the world. All students will acquire deep and meaningful  knowledge across their subjects, whilst also securing key skills to be able to apply their knowledge in a range of contexts.  All students and staff are expected to be able to communicate the narrative of what is being taught, why it is being taught and how it is being taught.


It is imperative that students at Laurel Park understand their learning in relation to the wider world we live in and part of our commitment is to develop leaders who are fully prepared for 21st century life.


English, Maths, Literacy and Numeracy are the foundations to access to the curriculum.  At Laurel Park we celebrate each individual’s identity and learning needs and therefore are committed to ensuring that the curriculum meets the needs of all students who attend our vibrant school. It is our job as teachers and support staff to ensure that all students are able to access the curriculum and to maintain the moral purpose of equality for all. Additionally, we have a commitment to the arts and sports and recognise the value and skills they add to a person’s character.


Likewise here at Laurel Park we ensure that learning sequences are developed that build on prior knowledge and skills so that students are fully prepared and confident by the time they sit their exams in year 11.

The overall curriculum vision is identified across 4 key areas:

My Curriculum

  • A pathway that is mapped against the needs of our learners

  • A curriculum that is designed to be ambitious, challenge and support learners to achieve the best possible outcomes, regardless of starting points. 

  • A curriculum that is broad and balanced and enables students to develop creativity, problem solving, independence, resilience, confidence which foster a passion for lifelong learning.

  • A curriculum that includes study skills learning, lessons on how  to revise and resilience in order to build confidence and self esteem.

  • A curriculum that embeds careers education in the overall approach that best prepares students for their pathway beyond Laurel Park.

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